Thursday, February 2, 2012

Renovating a Kitchen with Bud Light

As I was looking up past Super Bowl commercials the other day after our last English class, I started to notice the usage of kairos more and more. The purposeful details that particular commercials utilized were really effective in broadcasting their products to certain audiences. The commercial I chose was a Bud Light advertisement where a couple was getting their kitchen redone. Instead of refurnishing the kitchen, a case of Bud Light was put on the counter. Obviously the wife wasn't too happy and was expecting an actual renovation, but the funny part was that the husband was more than thrilled. Just putting the Bud Light case on the kitchen counter was enough for him. This advertisement really appealed to men because it mocked how women are really interested in home improvement details while the men couldn't really care less. The "host" of the show then goes on to talk about the landscaping being done to the yard. This landscaping is really just filling the yard with more beer. As a female, I thought the mockery of the home improvement shows was hilarious, so it appealed to me as well. This advertisement appeals to men because it highlights the simplicity of a man's thought; all you need is beer. It's a man's commercial, but the humor appeals to women as well. This advertisement discusses the commonplaces among most males but does it in a way that brings humor to the whole situation, which makes for a very successful ad.

Bud Light Super Bowl 2011 Advertisement


  1. Okay first I want to say that everything in that commercial is true. If i had to get my kitchen redone there is no better way than with budlights. That being said... My mom teaches marketing and communications back up at the University of albany. So litereally every superbowl i hear about what such and such an add is targeting. Most are geared toward men, while there are some geared towards their wives and or children.

  2. i remember that commercial and i agree that it does cater to both genders and as a man the way they used the budlight for a renovation was perfect.

  3. Bud Light makes hilarious commericals! Budweiser has always done a good job - especially during the Super Bowl. I actually remember the one that you refer to here and, looking back, it does apply very much here about the rhetoric of appealing to an audience. Either way though, it's hilarious.
