Thursday, March 29, 2012

Party in the USA

This week’s post is dedicated to the project my group recently just accomplished (although it was a HUGE pain in the ass… #techproblems). Our project’s focus was on the adverse effects of the teenage partying movies in modern society. Obviously one can see a few connections and correlations between movies and real life when it comes to partying in real life, but I really didn’t think about the actual consequences these movies bring upon today’s teenagers. There are 75,000 alcohol related deaths per year. 75,000. Per Year. That’s astounding. Now I’m not saying I’m the perfect human specimen because I’m really not. We’re all in college and I think we all know what that means. But these younger generations are concerning. What is a 12 year old going to think of Project X? It’s different for a kid my age. We’ve all been there and have experienced it and can logically conclude that a party of that caliber if kind of ridiculous. Wicked cool, but ridiculous and never really happens. But a 12 year old or any other age for that matter doesn’t know that. They think that that is what a party is supposed to be.  They’re probably more likely to abuse alcohol in drugs in a much scarier way as opposed to when older generations were growing up. When I was younger, American Pie was how I viewed college parties. At least at Penn State, they’re accurate, but still unrealistic. And that’s been enough to take 75,000 lives per year in itself. What is a young kid who is just starting to become curious about the party scene going to think if these party movies keep pushing the envelope? If movies like these keep emerging with fewer and fewer restrictions, I fear that death toll will continue to rise. I’m not saying to ban party movies because I like anyone else enjoy them. But there’s got to be some other way to dissuade some of that behavior some stupid kids decide to mimick.


  1. Basically I hate iMovie. I love you guys. But hate iMovie... and the library (except that room was wicked cool). But anyways, just going off this, you're right. It's mind blowing. It also basically reenforces the idea that our soceity needs crazy help

  2. This project shall forever be the most hated thing i have ever had to do. But anyway I always thought that it was out of control. Unfortunately I have little to say on this because we all did this together and have talked about party movies more than I ever care to again

  3. no matter how many times i look at these numbers it's still crazy to me how many people die from crap like this. i still like party movies but this is just wrong.
